Monday, July 30, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Choose Joy over Worry.

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.  ~Leo Buscaglia

Worry is a wasted emotion. It may serve as a signal that you need to prepare for what is to come, but dwelling in worry prevents one from living and doing and creating and experiencing. Recognize you are worried... then let it go. Commit to actions that will move you forward, and experience the happiness and joy that you deserve in this moment. Let the worry go.

Monday, July 16, 2012


The Ohio River Falls are the site of incredible fossils that date from the Dravonian Age when the ocean covered much of the American continent. Located along the Ohio river across from Louisville, Kentucky, they are a site to behold. Amazing. Visit ASAP!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dream Team 1992

In 1992, professional basketball players represented the USA at the Olympics for the first time. They outscored their opponents by an average of 44 points per game. Since then, with each Olympics, many of the rest of the world's countries have stepped up their games to compete on the same level as Team USA in basketball. What caused them to improve their skills so dramatically?

Inspiration is no doubt a key factor. When Roger Banister ran a 4 minute mile in 1954, within one year,  many other runners accomplished what had long been considered a physical impossibility. They were inspired to achieve more.

As we look forward to London 2012, here's to the original USA Dream Team and their ability to inspire. Here's to the idea of letting others inspire us to greater heights.

Small Things = Happy

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Go Blue, Go BSU

I lived 45 minutes from Boise State University since the 2nd grade and even attended for one semester in the late 80's after graduating high school. (Who didn't?) Back then it was all about basketball. Now there's a new kid on the block. A football program that just doesn't quit.

Behold... BSU v. Michigan State on August 31, 2012.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Bryce Harper: Push hard to Play hard.

Bryce Harper is a phenom in the world of baseball. He will play in the Major League All Star Game as the youngest non-pitcher in the history of that game. His secret? He is always pushing himself harder to play harder than anyone else, as put by Cole Hamels, starting pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies.

You may not be aiming to hit home runs, but think about your passion. What causes your mind to keep spinning long after you've gone to bed. Use your desire for success in that area of your life to push yourself harder and play harder than anyone else would ever expect you to.

Demand excellence from yourself. Set your standards hire. Just like Bryce, you'll keep hitting home runs in your life.

In this clip, Bryce hits his first home run in AA base ball.

Booster Shot No. 14

Monday, July 02, 2012

Huge Failure

Weightlifters only succeed by failing again, and again, and again. It it only by lifting to failure that the body via hormones, will send a chemical signal to the muscles being worked that more strength is needed and that they have to grow. Through repeated failure, growth is assured.

If you are not succeeding in life... it may be that you are not failing enough. Stop focusing on having to succeed in every moment and focus on the doing or even the failing. Fail as many times as you can. After failing over and over again, you may notice a pattern emerging. Among the failures, you may find small successes and then eventually huge triumphs.

If you're not succeeding, your not failing nearly enough.