Monday, July 09, 2012

Bryce Harper: Push hard to Play hard.

Bryce Harper is a phenom in the world of baseball. He will play in the Major League All Star Game as the youngest non-pitcher in the history of that game. His secret? He is always pushing himself harder to play harder than anyone else, as put by Cole Hamels, starting pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies.

You may not be aiming to hit home runs, but think about your passion. What causes your mind to keep spinning long after you've gone to bed. Use your desire for success in that area of your life to push yourself harder and play harder than anyone else would ever expect you to.

Demand excellence from yourself. Set your standards hire. Just like Bryce, you'll keep hitting home runs in your life.

In this clip, Bryce hits his first home run in AA base ball.

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