Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Almost New Year

Psychologically, the New Year can have power. It has whatever power you give to it. The same can be true of the 1st day of each month. Do New Year's resolutions work? Yes, but you have to give the date power.

Choose a new behavior, start it on January 1st and continue that behavior throughout the year.

Choose a new belief. See the belief as a table and give it legs by coming up with supporting beliefs for that belief. Strengthen the belief each day by reading the belief out loud.

Choose a new result you want. Create a contract with yourself by creating details for the result to give it extra shape and form. Commit to the attainment of the result. Put your signature below your written goal. Come up with beliefs and actions that will support you.

Do it. Each and every day. If you find that you have skipped a day. Commit to do it that day AND the next, etc.

Happy New Year!!!

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